TOR Browser


TOR (The Onion Router) is a browser that provides an anonymous and secure connection on the Internet. TOR uses the technology of a chain of proxy servers located in different parts of the world so that your request to the site is redirected through several nodes before reaching the site. Each proxy server encrypts your traffic, making it nearly impossible to view or track.

The working process of TOR browser is as follows:

  1. When you start the browser, you connect to the first node, which is called Entry Node.

  2. Your traffic is encrypted and sent to the next node, which is called the Middle Node.

  3. Traffic from the Middle Node is transmitted to the last node, which is called Exit Node.

  4. Exit Node decrypts the traffic and sends you the data.

Final result - your request to the site is encrypted, and a person who is trying to find out what exactly you are doing on the Internet will not be able to do it.

However, it is worth remembering that TOR is not a completely anonymous and secure solution, since there are methods that allow you to monitor traffic on the TOR network.

Also, things like using logins and passwords, bank cards and other sensitive data on TOR are not secure, so it's important to be careful and watch your safety on the Internet.